Fleming College entrance sign with blue filter

The Letter ‘C’ The letter ‘c’ is constantly around us. It’s the 13th most frequently used letter and one of the first that children learn to read. The use of the letter ‘c’ in English is fascinating and deserves much more attention than I could give it here, so we’re going to completely disregard it and…

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When your looking for letters in objects it’s kinda hard but you gotta look closely… I even had hard time try find this letter. our class was assigned to find letters of the alphabet, our teacher gave us letters my letter was to P in the school. Beats the P Bubble the P I was…

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TV Show “You” info Here See more drone photos here. The Mission Our class was assigned the project of finding a given letter from the alphabet around the Fleming College campus. This assignment was interesting and creative, as well as gave a new spin on the usual projects given. I mostly spent my time exploring…

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Every Letter Has a Meaning When most people of think of spiritual meaning, they tend to think of horoscopes, fortunes or star signs. However, many people can infer meaning from something as insignificant as a letter of the alphabet. Numerology is the belief in a correlation of numbers to our lives in a significant way,…

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X shaped Phillip's head screws hold a door hinge in place.

The walls that surround us at Fleming College all have something in common: the letter X. It’s a strong architectural shape, with its arms and legs reaching out firmly from that strong core that holds it all together. Here within these walls, we find the X in its natural habitat, acting as both a symbol…

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or, The Letter E Around Fleming College When searching for the letter E around Fleming College, I investigated both inside and outside. Most of the time, when I found the letter E, it was in architectural contexts: a door frame, a window, on the wall. On occasion, I found it outside, in the trees, or…

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This past little while our class has had the exciting task of taking pictures of things around our school which form letters. We were each given a letter to use, and required to find 5 relevant images around our campus here at Fleming College. Just a thought.. Have you ever noticed certain things form different…

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The Task My fellow classmates and I were given the task of finding the alphabet on our college campus. We were assigned a letter and to then go about hunting it, by photographing it in the forms of architecture, nature, people, and so on. O Baby I was given the letter “O”. I went about…

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Pantone blue railing

The LiTTle Things They tend to say it is the little things we take for granted. The things we always expect to be there, and perhaps even use daily. Most of the time these “things” are the designs around us. The creations that have been made to make our lives more easy, more safe, or…

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Letter I as a stop sign

I is an interesting letter, it’s a very personal one, it’s me; it’s you, so, it’s fitting that the letter can be found in so many diverse shapes and sizes all around Fleming—itself a very diverse community. Part I: The Beginning Let’s start at the beginning—literally. This pillar is at the front of the school,…

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Railing B

B. It is probably the most reliable letter and is so easily taken for granted. There’s a quote by Leonard Bernstein that goes; “The second fiddle. I can get plenty of first violinists, but to find someone who can play the second fiddle with enthusiasm – that’s a problem. And if we have no second…

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feature image with blue overlay

The “W’s” of Fleming For this project, I was given the letter “W” to find throughout the school. I found this assignment to be pretty fun, and I got to see parts of the school I haven’t seen before. FIRE If you look closely, you will notice that the white flame behind the person in…

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F’s are pretty hard to come by on campus Finding F’s around campus was a lot harder than I thought it would be, and I had to really open my mind and think outside the box. Creative thinking was an essential tool for this exercise. Look Up! One of the most important things to remember…

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Letter V in the Wood

Thanks Anita!! Thank you for looking at my post! You won’t be disappointed! In my GDV course for Content Design 2. We were asked to walk around the school for inspiration about our letter we received. I walked around and noticed that V’s are Vvvvery interesting. AND EVERYWHERE! Keep and eye out when walking to…

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Letter H in a cloudy sky

Where it all Started… Hello! As an inexperienced blog post creator be prepared for an entertaining post! The class began as a normal day, meeting our teacher Chris for the first time, we were asked to walk around the school and write down anything interesting that we could find to create a question for an…

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Introduction Greetings and salutations, friends young and old. Ready yourself for the sight to behold. Common objects that trick the mind of the common letter. A letter you say? Why yes a letter. The letter we all love. The upper case D. The common Kettle Handle The kettle, the common household item to make our…

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Blue chairs of GDV Studio with Y structure

Introduction: If you’ve ever been around young children chances are you’ve heard them ask the infamous question: Y? Why is the sky blue? Why do people have different coloured eyes? Why do I have to eat vegetables? One of the great opportunities of post secondary education is the ability to ask your ‘why’ questions.  The…

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Letter L window sill

History of the L Let me introduce you to the letter L. I’m sure you two have met. In fact, within reading this article, you have already been acquainted with the letter L over a dozen times. L is the 12th letter of the English alphabet and has much of its written structure influenced by…

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Finding the letter G on campus: Not as easy as it sounds. Symbols. One of the first letters to catch my eye was a handicapped symbol on the wall on the way to class. If you look at it the right way, it resembles an uppercase G. If you don’t look at it the right…

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Chislic shankle tri-tip andouille alcatra pork meatloaf. Fatback shankle jowl sirloin chislic venison bacon pig ground round short loin. Sirloin chislic jowl meatball kielbasa doner pork chop beef ribs, brisket tail pork belly flank. Pork belly rump prosciutto, drumstick chuck frankfurter andouille kielbasa venison biltong pork loin. Leberkas fatback ribeye, chislic kielbasa meatloaf short loin…

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